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Sea Glass: A Journey of Transformation

Sea Glass: A Journey of Transformation


People are often mesmerized by the different colors, shapes, and sizes of sea glass, but what's most impressive is how it's made.

It's an incredible story, really--a story that begins long before a piece is ever spotted and plucked off a beach. The soft, soothing sand you love between your toes is made of rock and other hard materials broken down by wind and waves over time. When extreme heat is applied to that sand, it changes to a clear liquid-like substance that can be molded into items we use every day without much thought: cups, decorations, bottles, etc.  Some of those items end up broken and/or discarded on the beaches of our oceans. Over time, the steady crash of the surf wears away the rough jagged edges and leaves a smooth, polished piece of glass. By the time you find these treasures in their awe-inspiring "gem" form, they may have been there for ten years, or a hundred, or more! 

So what makes the different colors? Without getting too scientific, different colors of sea glass appear because glassmakers dye their glass different colors--sometimes for practical purposes, sometimes for decorative purposes. Plus, some colors are changed over time by natural chemical changes. As a result, some colors--like green and brown--are extremely common. Other colors--like lavender, cobalt, orange, and red--are super rare. 

rare cobalt sea glass

No matter where you find it, or what color it is, when you hold sea glass, you hold a piece of history and a piece of hope. Your glass treasure has traveled a unique journey much like the journey you've traveled to get to where you are right now.  Embrace your past, knowing it has made you who you are, and look forward to your future, knowing that you are not a finished product yet.

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